
Last updated: 2024-08-13

This page lists some of the projects that I've worked on and feel quite proud of. A list of all the stuff I've done can be found on my GitHub.



This site! Started work on this cuz I wanted to have a domain back in 2023. It used to be a full on web server powered by Rust and SurrealDB, but I switched to SSGs as it was a pain in the ass to maintain.

Stuff I used:

BB84 Numpy


Created this as part of a cryptography assignment. Wanted to learn more about quantum cryptography and decided to implement the BB84 quantum key distribution scheme using Python's amazing Numpy library.

Stuff I used:

Canteen Queue Estimater


A project done for my secondary school for "crowd management". Utilizes a fine tuned version of YoloV5 to count the number of heads in a queue and sends the data to a locally hosted web server for display.

Stuff we used: