3 min read
BB84 Implementation

About this Project

This project implements the BB84 QKD protocol using Python and Numpy. It currently has a basic BB84 implementation allowing users to create and send bits to each other. The shared bits can then be used for encrypting and decrypting messages.

Stuff To Do

  • Implement a basic quantum API
  • Implement a basic BB84 flow
  • Implement a eavesdropper and see their effects
  • Create a socket-like protocol for communication across programs

Child-Friendly Quantum Protocol (CQP)

Note from future self: This protocol’s design tried to copy a HTTP-style protocol. However, this project relies on a client-to-client model, unlike HTTP’s server-to-client. Any request that this protocol sends does not have a clear-cut way to determine a response packet, and race conditions may occur. Adding a main port to listen for incoming requests, and having multiple source ports may fix this issue, but time is of the essence and I’m too lazy to implement this 😅

A goofy ahh protocol I created for this project. It probably has a lot of loopholes, bugs and critical security issues, but I am too lazy to figure it out. Please do not use this for any production apps thanks 🙏

Message Layout

The SQP message should contain the following fields:

  • Method: The method type, i.e.: GET, RES, ERR
  • Target: The hostname of the receiver
  • Sender: The hostname of the sender
  • Data: Data to be transferred, can be left as an empty string

Method Types

There are a variety of method types that are used to send different kinds of data. All the methods are listed below.

  • MSG: A message containing encrypted text in the data segment.
  • RES {method}: A response method to return data to the requester.
  • ERR {method}: A error method indicating that an error due to the specified method has occurred.
  • GET: Asks the target to generate a bunch of qubits to derive the key from.
  • BASIS: Compares the basis of each client. The receiver should send a RES back to the sender.
  • CHECK: Picks select bits to check for eavesdroppers/errors.
