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About Me

Hi, I am a Year 2 student currently pursing a Diploma in Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. I would consider myself an avid CTF player, though it’s debatable as I am not as chronically online as the rest.

If I’m not busy playing CTFs, you can find me tinkering with some random-ahh project that would barely help with my portfolio all while bringing me joy and suffering through the waterfall of error messages I get when compiling.


I mainly play these categories (though I’m open to trying others):

  • web - I think I’m kinda skilled. Emphasis on the think.
  • pwn - I kinda suck but I’m tryna improve.


Here is a list of cool projects that I’ve done (or at least I think they’re cool):

  • BB84 Numpy - Networked BB84 Quantum Key Distribution protocol written from scratch using Numpy and Sockets.
  • Canteen Queue Estimator - Developed a system that uses YOLOv5 and Flask to estimate and display the school’s canteen queue timings.
  • SimpleOS - Bare bones operating system written in C and Assembly that runs snake.
  • Rust Blog - Now-deprecated blog written in Rust and SurrealDB.

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